The Pastoral Council (now the Westside Catholic Pastoral Council) meets monthly to advise the Pastor on how the resources of the parish can best be used to fulfill its mission and to remain a vibrant parish community. Council members are encouraged to voice their own opinion and the opinions of the whole parish that they represent on parish matters.
The Education Commission assists the Pastor and the school Principal to determine policies and to develop and carry out strategic plans for the parish school and for all other parish education programs.
The parish Finance Commission is a group of five people appointed by the Pastor to advise him on the temporal and financial affairs of the parish. Members are selected by virtue of their specialized knowledge of accounting, finances, business practice, and plant management, and serve for an indefinite term. The Commission has monthly meetings.
The parish Facilities Committee advises the Pastor on various issues of maintenance, repair, and improvement of all parish buildings, school, and grounds. Members are appointed because of their expertise in a wide range of engineering, construction, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical issues. The Committee meets twice each year. Those with special knowledge and skills in the areas mentioned are asked to contact the Pastor.
Worship Commission organizes elements of Worship, including Mass Captains, Servers, Lectors, Cantors, Ushers and Greeters. Members also plan special liturgical celebrations. Meetings are held monthly.